For those who need to hear it...It’s time to remember. Remember who you were (are) before the world laid it’s veils over your lens about right and wrong or good and bad. It’s time to let go. To listen inwards and trust. Its time to heal, shed and release what’s not working and has likely become painfully obvious especially in this unique time we find ourselves collectively in. It’s time to step up and into yourself...who are YOU. What do YOU like. What do YOU want. Who do you want to be on the other side of this? What do you want to leave behind? Try to ask then really listen and see who’s voice you hear. Is it your parents? Is your elementary school teacher? Is it a reaction from a broken teenage heart? Go deeper. It might just be a feeling and that’s enough. We see the world through a stained glass window in a sense. My window will be different than yours based on my past and the information gathered from generations before me. Everything we have experienced from our environment, but most importantly our interpretation of it, will tint the glass so to speak and lives in us running our daily lives. From our biology and our genome structures to our beliefs and our reality. This is why we can be looking at or living the same situation as those around us but see and experience it completely differently. Healing comes from knowing the lens that you see your world through is tinted. The world will reflect to you and draw in experiences that resonate perfectly with these tinted window panes so that we have an opportunity to accept or digest what those before us couldn’t. Or to look closer at a belief about ourselves or the world that we’ve adopted and now runs on loop. Inviting us to question whether or not it is true. When we are aware of this process and start to accept the information we are experiencing by allowing it in, sitting with it, feeling it fully even if it’s painful, we can start to see clearly and we release. We remember who we are. Piece by piece.