Hydrating Electrolyte Elixir

December 07, 2021

Hydrating Electrolyte Elixir

This is one of my favourite simple drinks to make to stay hydrated, ward off mid day fatigue and to keep the skin plump and supple. This is especially beneficial pre or post workout, days after you may have had too much wine or whenever you are feeling a bit worn out! I also recommend this recipe to clients preparing for a special occasion when you want to be sure your skin is looking great! To make just get a big jar or pitcher (you can make just a glass at a time but I prefer to make a large amount to sip throughout the day) and start by adding a few tablespoons of hot water to the jar. Add in a dollop of honey, ideally high quality local honey if possible, and stir into the warm water to dissolve. The honey works like a humectant and provides many beneficial enzymes and nutrients. Sometimes I’ll swap honey out for a dark, premium grade maple syrup that will boost a bit more antioxidants and minerals and to switch up the taste. Im obsessed with and highly recommend Cosman and Webb that you can get at specialty shops and Whole Foods (in Canada). Next add in a big pinch of salt to replace trace minerals and help drive the water into the cells, I use Sea salt or Himalayan, try to avoid table salt if possible. Don’t be afraid of salt, we need it for healthy cell function! Stir honey and salt mixture till dissolved then fill your jar with cool or room temp filtered water. Squeeze in an entire lemon or lime et voila you have a healthy electrolyte drink! You can get creative and add fresh mint, lavender or I like to add a few cubes of frozen Beauty Base tea, whatever you have on hand to add extra health benefits and a bit more flavour! Drinking plain water is often not enough, especially when we are dehydrated so at the very least try adding in a pinch of salt to your water then see how much more hydrated you feel!

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